Thursday 12 December 2013

Nigger go home.... thats what he told me, plus anti-racism video

'Nigger go home' and for emphasis he said it again. I was in Enfield Greater London, time was about 11.30pm, on my home from Uni some hapless fellow retorted the earlier words to me. We were alone and I knew if I took the physical approach I could incapacitate him and teach him a huge lesson. Common sense prevailed and I thought 'I'm better than that' and walked away. It hurt me sha... for the first time in my life I was concious I was black.

If you've never lived outside Nigeria then you probably cannot appreciate or fathom how uncomfortable people can get when you are around. Like you have an invisible tag that says 'thief', n'mugger' etc or when people would decide not to seat next to you on the train or as one guy asked me in Stanmore 'you are from Africa? have you ever been on a train?'. Thankfully the 1st was the only blatant racist experience I had others were more subtle. Your skin is not your sin. Racism or reverse racism needs to be stamped out. Lets embrace love.

Saying that, I love the Ad shown here. 9 years old but still potent as ever.

Monday 2 December 2013

'If one day speed kills me, do not cry because I was smiling' -Paul Walker

Monday Morning, I scanned through Facebook account and there it was, my friend Chukwuma Kalu's status 'Paul Walker is dead'. Like many people I came across Paul Walker as Brian O'Conner in Fast and Furious. I was on a Virgin Atlantic flight to London where I would spend the next 7 years of my life. The movie captured my imagination and I was a big fan of the franchise watching the last with a very vocal Nigerian crowd at Silverbird Cinema.

Because of his starring role in movies all about speed it was easy to conclude he was to blame for his death as he died in a car crash. Until I heard he was the passenger. Now I heard the car might have been involved in a drag race. Whatever the case, we've lost a great talent. I feel I lost someone I knew, when you've followed someone's work since 2001, they almost becomes part of moments that define a periods of our lives. I love cars, from American muscle to Italian beauties but I'm a self confessed slow driver. My excuse is that it's better to be late than to be the late. Details about Paul's death are sketchy but one fact is clear, speed was a factor.

We've lost Paul, but in his death Paul sends us a message: Speed kills. We've lost too many loved ones to speed. As a passenger your life is literally in the driver's hands. Insist on a little caution. We'll miss you Paul and thanks for the joy you brought to millions of lives across the world. You lived. RIP.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Prime suspect in Adaobi Obih's murder case Ryan Klug taken into custody

Say what you want, the US system works! The prime suspect in Adaobi Obih's murder case Ryan A. Klug has been taken into custody in the Galveston, Texas area, police said Saturday night.

The 36-year-old  state highway engineer was apprehended by agents with the U.S. Marshals office in Texas, said Lt. Matt Myers, spokesman for the Columbus Police Department.

Myers said authorities had been tracking the Columbus man — accused of killing a 26-year-old engineer with whom he lived — since Thursday.

Klug, subject of a national manhunt, had been considered armed and dangerous.

Klug was wanted by authorities on a murder warrant and was possibly trying to escape to Mexico through the Texas border. Whatever sentence he is given will not bring her back but will give all who loved her and people like us who never knew her but felt a deep connection with her story.

Rest in Peace Adaobi, many others will sleep a little better tonight.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Dad Films Premature Son's Miraculous First Year-Touching story

Edward Miles is quite simply a miracle baby. I live in a country where infant mortality is high and death during childbirth is common so it's refreshing to see how much love, care, attention is given to ensure he survived. His dad, a potrait photographer documented his first year, it is a must watch. God is wonderful, have a great Sunday! Video below:

More details emerge in Adaobi Obih's death

More details are emerging in the murder of Nigerian PHD student Adaobi Obih in the US as
investigators have released additional information about the death of the young Columbus woman.

A probable cause affidavit filed Wednesday in Bartholomew Circuit Court alleges that 36-year-old Ryan Allen Klug knowingly or intentionally killed his roommate, 26-year-old Adaobi Obih.

According to the affidavit, Columbus Police Detective Mike Ward responded Tuesday afternoon to a call at River Stone Apartments, on the city's west side, about a woman found dead in her apartment at 3461 Limestone Lane. Obih, who was employed at Cummins, had unexpectedly missed work on Monday and Tuesday. Obih's boyfriend had also called Columbus Police to request a welfare check on her after he was not able to get in touch with her.

Apartment complex staff went to the apartment shared by Obih and Klug and made entry with a skeleton key. The report says that the staff member made his way down the hall and peered into a room on the left side. He reportedly spotted a black female lying face-up on the floor with a large amount of blood on her head. The witness told police that the victim was "clearly deceased." The staff then called 911.

When emergency personal arrived, responding officers conducted a brief survey of the scene. They determined that Obih's death was suspicious. Officers left the apartment, secured it and requested a search warrant.

Detectives spoke with Obih's boyfriend, who indicated that she was with him at his apartment in Eastlake Woods from Friday evening to early Sunday afternoon, save for a short time Saturday morning when Obih left to get some groceries. The boyfriend told investigators that the two had missed church services Sunday morning, so they made plans to attend a 6 p.m. service in Greenwood. He had planned to pick her up from her apartment at 5 p.m.

The boyfriend provided investigators with his cell phone which shows him sending a text message to Obih, and getting a response, at 12:17 p.m. Sunday. He sent her another text message at 4:38 p.m. that went unanswered. The boyfriend went to church services by himself and sent Obih another text message at 8:36 p.m. That also went unanswered. A short time later, he went to Obih's apartment and knocked on the door, but no one answered. The affidavit reveals that records from the boyfriend's cell phone showed he made seven calls between 9:15 p.m. and 10:36 p.m. At 10:36 p.m., he also sent another text message indicating he was at Obih's front door, but he got no response. The boyfriend's calls and texts continued in to Monday until he reported her missing to police.

Investigators spoke with a neighbor of Obih, who related that around 4 p.m. Sunday, he heard noises coming from the apartment. He said it sounded like someone was moving heavy furniture around. The neighbor indicated that he heard the noises for about three minutes, just before the weather sirens went off due to the impending weather.

Investigators received information from Klug's wireless phone carrier that indicated that he was in the vicinity of the apartment he shared with Obih when Klug received a phone call from his pastor at 3:57 p.m. The pastor told investigators that he had received a text message from Klug that morning asking him to call him. The pastor says that when Klug answered his call, he told him that he was unable to talk at that time.

Police were able to execute a search warrant on Obih's apartment just before 6 p.m. Tuesday. Detectives indicate that Obih's body had multiple knife wounds, including her throat being cut. A broken knife handle and blade, belonging to Obih, was found in the room where her body was found. Detectives also located a blood trail from the body, which they believe led to Klug's bedroom. They also said it appears that the assailant tried to clean up in Klug's bathroom, including taking a shower. Police found blood-soaked clothes in Klug's bedroom, including a pair of jeans that were identical to a pair of clean jeans that were stored in Klug's room. Investigators also found a garage door opener in Klug's room.

Detectives went out of the apartment and observed a trail of blood from the apartment to an open garage that apartment staff said was rented by Obih specifically for Klug's use. Investigators also found blood on an interior door handle to the garage, as well as an apartment key they believe belonged to Obih. Klug's grey 2008 Subaru Legacy was not in the garage.

Investigators later interviewed Klug's supervisor at the Indiana Dept. of Transportation (INDOT), where he was employed. His supervisor told authorities that Klug had been acting strangely during the week prior to Obih's death. Just before 5 p.m. Sunday, the supervisor told investigators that Klug had texted her saying that he would be on vacation for the next two weeks. The supervisor said that was highly irregular of Klug and violated company policy. Attempts by the company to reach Klug went unanswered and he failed to show up for work Monday and Tuesday.

The affidavit also mentions that investigators contacted Klug's relatives. According to those interviews, Klug had recently gone through a bankruptcy and was having financial problems. He was also having problems with a former girlfriend.

Authorities continue to search for Klug. While police believe he left the area days ago, they believe he may come back. Anyone that sees him should contact police immediately. You should not approach him.

Information from WCSI

Friday 22 November 2013

Russel Crowe stars as 'NOAH': A Biblical story of EPIC proportions!

Biblical epics are a movie genre nearly as old as the medium itself, and anyone not vaguely familiar with the tale of Noah and the ark may be living under some pre-historic rock. But in the first trailer for his new movie "Noah," director Darren Aronofsky seems determined to make something that feels both familiar and totally original at the same time.


The basic set-up is nothing that we haven't seen before. Russell Crowe stars as Noah, the family man who has become plagued with dreams of the world's destruction. Crowe's "A Beautiful Mind" onscreen wife, Jennifer Connelly, takes on that role again, asking Noah what God has told him.

In these dreams, Aronofsky ("Black Swan" and "The Fountain") shows off his unique brand of intense visuals.

As Noah explains the oldest man in the world, Methuselah (Anthony Hopkins), the end is coming and it's going to be wet. So wet, in fact, that Noah and his family (a bevy of attractive young stars like Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, and Douglas Booth) have to build a really big boat to house themselves and every animal on the planet worth saving. Sorry, dragons and unicorns.

From this cruelly short teaser — why can't trailers be two and a half hours? — Aronofsky is clearly showing off that for his biblical epic, he wants to have it both ways. With the basic premise and imagery, this is an epic in the tradition of "The 10 Commandments" and "Ben-Hur," but he's filled it with enough new, stunning imagery to make people eager to hear the story of Noah all over again.

Be sure to catch Noah when it comes out in 2014! Have a great Friday!

Thursday 21 November 2013

A beautiful, promising and intelligent Nigerian woman killed in the US

I really get upset when I hear these sort of stories. Here's a beautiful, 26 year old lady studying for her PHD in Electrical Engineering. I can imagine the obstacles she had to overcome to get to where she did. In a world where female engineers are a minority here's a great example cut off in her prime.

Her name was Adaobi Michaella Obih. Her body was was found  at an apartment at Riverstone Apartments in Columbus, Indiana and is being investigated as a homicide. 36 year old Ryan Allen Klug, is a person of interest in the case. Ryan also lived in the apartment complex but has gone missing since Adaobi’s body was found.
According to

 'The roommate of a 26-year-old native of Nigeria living in a westside Columbus apartment complex has been charged with felony murder.Ryan A. Klug, 36, of 3461 Limestone Lane, Apt. 2134, is the prime suspect in the death of his roommate, Adaobi M. Obih, who suffered multiple knife wounds, according to a probable-cause affidavit.

Obih's boyfriend, Jude Osara, last communicated with her on Sunday afternoon, and then was unable to get text-message replies after that time, the affidavit said.
The woman's throat was cut, the charging document said, and blood-saturated clothes the same size as Klug wears were found in their two-bedroom apartment.

A warrant for Klug's arrest was signed earlier today, and Columbus police have reason to believe he may be in Ohio.'

Adaobi was the first of two children and was already pursuing her PHD in Electrical Engineering at just 26 years old, she is from Nigerian parents.
Rest In Peace Adaobi Obih. You lived a short life but you represented us well. May the long arm of Justice catch up with your killer.  Latest news is Klug has been officially charged.

Her friends are getting together to try set up a Memorial Schorlarship at LSU's School of Engineering, for more info check adobischolarshipfund

Anyone with more information should please mail us at

Tuesday 19 November 2013

My wife is not interested in sex, help!

Hi guys, I got a pretty interesting mail ( today and thought I'd put it right up.

 It reads 'Good afternoon DM, I'm a banker in Lagos and have been married for 2 years. The trouble is my wife never seems interested in sex. I'm a Christian and do not want to cheat on her. We have sex about once a month and even then it is passionless and mechanical. I'm loosing my mind. 

We have one child and that's the only reason I have not asked for a divorce. We have spoken about it,had counselling sessions, I have even prayed and fasted. I have even questioned God whether the concept of platonic relationships before marriages make any sense. I just thought to write because I'm really confused.'

Well I'm no expert in the subject so I'll put it out there, what's your advice? Pls no demeaning remarks

Monday 18 November 2013

The Best Man Holiday: Black Cinema is back!

Say what you want, I love it when a black movie kicks up some dust at the box office!

The Best Man Holiday by Universal  is doing exactly that. Over the weekend it almost doubled its production budget of USD17m  by grossing USD31m, adding P&A costs total budget is USD40m, which it should surpass by mid week. I guess Director Malcolm and all the exec producers are going to have a great Christmas!

 Its release comes 14 years after the original when black movies like Soul Food et al were common place. It falls just in time for the festive season and hopefully it will be as good as the first. Black American  cinema is experiencing a resurgence. Personally I believe this is down to the Tyler Perry effect.

 I really hope the trend continues and we also see some African  cinema and African American hybrids (looking forward to Half of a Yellow Sun). Be sure to check it out once it comes to a cinema near you!

P/s Black American Cinema need to consider having a premiere a la London's Leicester Square in Lagos sometime considering the growing popularity of African American cinema here.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Gunmen storm Ekiti hospital at midnight, demand new born babies

These are the kind of stories that cause hearts to bleed. How can people be so inhuman in the 21st century? For those who are unfamiliar with ritual sacrifice, ritualists believe human beings have a 'star' essentially a good essence which attracts blessings, every human is born with it. By child sacrifice they pass the star to their Clients who usually gain monetary wealth in the process, it is common among secret societies in Nigeria and the world over.

Praying the fear of God will pervade the land and people turn from their sick and wicked ways.
Here's the story:

The public health centre at Irona Quarters in Ado Ekiti Local Government Area of Ekiti State was thrown into confusion in the early hours of Saturday when five unidentified men stormed the place, beat up health workers on duty as they demanded the whereabouts of a newborn in the facility.
A senior health official at the facility told newsmen in Ado Ekiti, on Sunday, that the five men had besieged the health facility at about 12:30a.m, beat up officials on duty and demanded the whereabouts of a baby delivered earlier in the day.
The source, who said the medical personnel, who were later hospitalised for various degrees of injuries sustained as a result of the beatings, tried to convince them that all the babies that were delivered in the centre in the last one week had been discharged, but the pleas fell on deaf ears.
One of them was said to have sustained a leg injury while running away and is now receiving treatment at an undisclosed hospital, while others were said to have been treated and discharged on Saturday.
The source said: “These people came in the night and asked that a baby that was delivered on Friday should be handed over to them.
“But the medical personnel on duty told them that the baby that was delivered had been discharged. This angered them and they started beating them up, just as they ransacked the entire rooms in the health centre before they left.”
The workers were said to have cried for help after the marauders had left and that neighbours responded and took the injured to the hospital.
Caretaker Chairman of Ado Ekiti Council, Mr. Tope Olanipekun, confirmed the attack after he visited the centre and was said to have expressed shock at the incident, describing it as “the highest point of callousness on the part of the perpetrators of the nefarious act.”
Olanipekun said on the telephone that “the incident actually happened and we are taking step to forestall further occurrence,” adding that “the doctor in charge had reported the case at the police station at Okesa and we are planning to fence all the health centres and beef up security.”
The chairman also explained that he had instructed that night duty be suspended at the centre pending the time adequate security measures would be put in place, saying “we have also advised that all expectant pregnant women in labour should be referred to Okeyinmi health centre.”
The Police Public Relations Officer of the Ekiti State Police Command, Mr. Victor Babayemi, said the incident had not been reported at the state police headquarters.
Source:Osun Defender

Thursday 14 November 2013


DMSQUARED has dropped a MONSTER REMIX to his HIT SONG 'CATERPILLAR' this features SPACESHIPBOI (Winner of Don Jazzy's Enigma competition), CHILBILLS (from PH City), the amazing GAISE! Legends of the game ROOFTOPMCs and MTRILL! This one is a classic! CHhristmas has come early, this  is a smashing way to end the year! PHEWW!!  ENJOY

Youtube Link link
Mobile Vid download link

Wednesday 13 November 2013


When Spacesipboi, Chibills, Gaise, Rooftop MC's, MTrill and DM get together on a track it's bound to be nothing but MAGIC!!! Dropping very soon! 


It's been a while folks, been busy sorting out issues! As someone who lived and studied in the UK I know there are 2 worlds forNigerians living in London. Those who struggle hard to get their degrees, hope to do well enough to secure decent jobs and those whose parents are very well off and live lives that you can only dream about. the aspiration is to make sure our kids have a better lives than we had. So what do you think ?

Sunday 27 October 2013



Top of the morning to you! What a weekend! had a blast a GA2R's show hosted by Freedom Hall Friday! Those are my people right there! watch this vid of us messing around in Maryland, USA  this past summer  >>>GA2R and DMSQUARED in USA . There was also TAPE by HOTR on Friday and back to studio the rest of the weekend! Back to the blog, I get a call from my boy  Chibills, co-owner of  Different World Records, he begins to go on about Preachers of LA and how in the end times God will use unorthodox means to reach the world with the precious message of Jesus. 

Now Chibills  can be cerebral at times and this was one of such moments. I alluded to some of his points but the castigation the show recieved from the well respected Bishop TD Jakes also left me quite wary>> Bishop TD Jakes rebukes Preachers of LA
I decided to search the internet and it seems the guys at Oxygen (the production company behind the series) have done a great job of blacking out the series. However, DM the Boss your premier source of Gospel lifestyle related news has hooked you up, however we cant promise the Youtube wont take this vid down in the next couple of hours so enjoy it while it lasts.

My take is all these Preachers love the camera, they love the spotlight a tad much. As someone who does alot of shows I know how intoxicating this can be and sometimes it might even begin to get to your head. I think it's entertaining, it's not meant to be an hour of televangelism. It provides a vehicle where people can hear about a Gospel in a different albeit shocking manner. I think the show should focus a little more on the Preachers works rather than their material acquisitions. The' in your face' flaunting of wealth is a tad tacky.

The “Preachers of L.A.” cast includes Bishop Noel Jones (the aforementioned brother of Grace), a Jamaican-born self-made success looking for a successor for his business; Deitrick Haddon, a musician and songwriter whose life and career were rocked by a divorce scandal; Bishop Clarence McClendon, who reaches an audience of 250 million people each week with his international broadcast; Pastor Wayne Chaney, a young up-and-comer whose Antioch ministry is poised to become a “mega-church”; Bishop Ron Gibson, a former Crip who’s grown his Life Church of God in Christ flock from nine to 4,500; and Pastor Jay Haizlip, an Alabama-born former pro skater who overcame drugs to lead the Sanctuary of Huntington Beach.

I had to divide episode into two parts as the media blackout was giving me a nightmare! Here's Part 1, I'll drop part 2 tomorrow

My  immediate favourite character is  Bishop Ron Gibson the 'OG' /Original Gangsta.. it's refreshing to see a Pastor go back to the hood and talk to real Crips and not sound preachy. Pastor Jay too is cool, just cause I'm a closet skateboard head! Anyway here's the video, enjoy it till the take it off! and make sure you watch my video caterpillar>>>

It's DM! have a great week!

Boma Diri Live at Cadogan Hall, Sloane Square!

It's Sunday people!! and I'd like to hook you up with an incredible singer Boma Diri, who's going to be liveat the prestigious Cadogan Hall in Sloane Square on the 26th October 2013. Boma has been in the studio working hard on her debut album "Leap of Faith" with acclaimed producer Nicky Brown. Following her international tour previewing some of the songs at the Barbados Gospel Festival, Boma Diri launches Leap of Faith at Cadogan Hall. There are Limited £15 Tickets on Sale now...!
All the best to this beautiful inspiring woman of Nigerian descent doing big things!

Tuesday 22 October 2013


'Jesus walks' by Kanye West', 'Hail Mary' by 2Pac, theres always been alot of Christian symbolism in secular rap. Some people call it the quest for artistes to associate themselves with a higher power.

 I feel this is a very dangerous trend. Especially for the Artist. When sacred and Holy symbols loose their significance and used as props in the name of artistic license  we mock the power and all they represent.

Here Kanye brings out what appears to be Jesus. Jesus appears to speak some words of direction to him but the whole context makes me uncomfortable, even the guy holding the camera says 'he's gone too far'. What do you think?


 Ladies and gents! Different World Records prsents, the very talented singer/rapper/songwriter Chibills! Presenting 'Lord Knows' the first track off his epic Mixtape 'Moments from Apocalypse'. This is real hiphop the purists will appreciate. A track about hypocrisy in the church with clever wordplaythat gets you thinking... I love it! Different World Records baby!

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Rap Music is not for Christians...and other stories

It was a Sunday morning just like any other Sunday morning. I arrived at Muson centre for the Sunday morning service at House on the Rock Lagos. I felt the lucid messages from Pastor Paul were always something to look foward to and I guess my sentiment was shared by thousands of others who would struggle to get through the doors to get a good seat. A good seat those days was like a great bargain on   the American Black Friday, highly sought after and quickly snapped up. I was one of the lucky ones that day, I got a good seat in the main hall.

After some small talk with familiar faces from Unilag and Ife I settled into the service. Everything was going great till Pastor Paul dropped a bomb..'Rap music is not for Christians'.Pastor Paul's point was that like drugs after listening to Christian rap , people would desire something stronger, the real stuff and would get into secular rap. Based on this premonition it was not worth the risk.

 I was shocked because as a member of a Gospel Hiphop Group in Ife (New Wine). I had seen the effect of Rap on people. I had seen people break down in tears and give their lives to Jesus to songs like 'All honour'.

The style of today's 'church worship' songs would have been called secular decades ago. Way back there were spiritual debates on a whether the pianos or drumsets could be used in church! As a Gospel Rapper there is almost no way I can be objective on this issue however my opinion based on my relationship with God is this: If God can use a stick, a donkey or a stammerer He can use rap. God asked Moses 'whats that you hae in your hand?' He is asking us today the same question, all some of us have is one microphone with the ability to string words together. God created the world by words. No other genre of music uses as many words in a song as rap. God can use rappers and the gift of rap.

My problem with Gospel rappers is when no one can tell the difference between us and secular rappers. I watched a Gospel video recently and one of the Artistes had shirt with  'Trukfit' boldly printed on. Trukfit is Lil Wayne's designer label. Not only is it ignorant to wear logos in videos of labels who have not paid you to endorse their product, you are promoting the label of someone with a contradictory lifestyle. There has to be a difference. Personally I'm not a great fan of excessive jewellry and I believe although we should look hip, there has to be some modesty so earings, excessive rings (thats for guys) are not things I'm down with.

There is a place for Christian rap. Gospel Rappers have to work extremely hard because we have a serious message that has to be expressed with artistic vocal dexterity.  For instance I dont know how many Christianswill be listening to Don Moen on  the treadmill or how many Christian teens will be playing Ron Kenolly at their birtday parties. If Christian rap is not an option it is understandable why at most Preachers birthdays or kids birthdays Psquare et al are on replay.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Dekunle Fuji now a Nurse, what in God's name?

My name's DMSquared. I'm Nigerian. I am a Gospel Hip hop Artist. This is my first blog.

Yesterday while I was on the set of my 'Caterpillar Remix' video shoot, someone happened to mention Dekunle Fuji was now a registered nurse in the US.  Apparently I happened to be in Maryland, US myself last month and someone mentioned that he was into IT.  Naturally the conflicting info left me quite confused so  I decided to click on a couple of links. Dekunle Fuji is a Nurse. Nursing is a dignified profession, but why would a Nigerian Gospel Star swich careers so surreptitiously?  taken aback, my thoughts meandered down a hazy maze and eventually I came to a conclusion. It was probably the lesser of two evils.
Let me explain. The Nigerian Gospel music industry is a weird place. Your supporters expect great music, top class videos and advancement in your career yet they do not want to pay for the music, shows or anything whatsoever. Most Gospel Artistes are dependent on invitations by Pastors to minister (sing a couple of your songs on their stage/platform as part of the service) where they get honorariums ( usually cash gifts; the amount  is at the discretion of the Pastor) to survive. Needless to say this kind of lifestyle is not sustainable. The Churches have projects they are working on which need funding so the chances they give the Artiste a generous honorarium are few and far between.

Some Churches are an exception and huge events like 'The Experience' et al are the precipice of alot of Nigerian Gospel Artistes dreams.In reality, there is a limit to the number of  Artistes they can accommodate. Most of these events are yearly anyway.

The Gospel Artist has his song screened on radio and usually have to contend with  3hrs of airplay on Sunday morning. The Churches also throw a monkey wrench into the situation when they castigate any traces of 'wordliness' in Gospel Acts but invite secular Acts as headliners at Gospel events and the congregations go wild! To butress my point here's Dbanj at Faith Terbanacle giving a testimony maybe I should go release a video like this and come give a testimony about my awards.

The average Nigerian Gospel Act's life is not sustainable. Why should Artistes who write the Gospel songs Christian billionaires worship to not be able to own a car?! At so many Gospel events I attend, I see how alot of popular Gospel artistes take okadas or have to take the bus home. I'm talking about known names in the industry. Who is to blame? the churches? the supporters who  have corporate or private events and choose to patronize secular artistes?
 who pay 30k for VIP tickets for a secular show and expect Gospel events to be free?

A couple of years ago, Dekunle had a disastrous outing at 'The Experience', this might have affected demand from the already notoriously difficult Gospel industry. He probably saw his trip to the US as an olive leaf and was advised that Nursing is a highly sought after skill in the US and jumped at the oppurtunity. What was the oppurtunity cost of Dekunle's decision? A Gospel Minstry in Nigeria where he probably would have to lobby to get into major events and played 'I wonder how much my honorarium will be?' a kind of Holy Russian Roluette Gospel Artistes go through. Hopefully once he's a bit settled we'll hear new material from him. DM d Boss.